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In the city of Jerusalem, the year AD 30 Jesus said to His disciples, The Spirit is in you, but when the Spirit comes upon you, you will be empowered for unique ministry and service, and then you will be My witnesses.
So it was that these believers huddled together in the upper room for ten days, waiting and praying with one accord. Suddenly on the day of Pentecost, they heard the sound of a mighty rushing wind. The mighty rushing wind filled the room (breath of Jesus), tongues of fire sat upon each of the disciples, they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and the world hasn't been the same since (Acts 2:1-5)
The same is true today. The Spirit of God is made available not only to work with you to become a Christian, and to come into you once you open your heart to Him, but to come upon your life and to empower you in your service for Him. Receive that Power today by believing and receiving Jesus. John 1:12 But as many as received him, to them gave the power to become the Sons of God, even to them that believe on His name...
 Just as God gave His Son, He gives the Holy Spirit. How do you receive the Son? By Faith. How do you receive the power of the SPIRIT? The Same Way.
Welcome to our family, our roots go back to the day of Pentecost



We are Christians that Believe in the Authority of Scriptures, found in the Bible. We have no creeds, our headquarters is in heaven thus our authority comes from heaven. Our riches are not earthly but eternal, everlasting, we're seated with the Son in heavenly places. Ephesians2:6

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